Sunday, February 27, 2011

iPhone 5 features (confirmed and rumours)




20 iPhone 5 features (what the iPhone 4 has been missing):



1. Even thinner and lighter
2. More storage and more RAM
3. Powerful dual core processor
4. More battery backup
5. 8Mpx or more camera with 1080p video recording
6. FaceTime (Video calling) via 3G
7. True Multi-Tasking
8. Universal carrier compatibility


9. NFC technologies
10. Edge-to-edge touch screen
11. No home button


12. It will support facial recognition and lockscreen widgets
13. LTE 4G
14. Mini-USB and mini-HDMI outputs
15. Ability to send files via bluetooth
16. Slide-out keyboard (physical or touch)
17. Little larger screen
18. 720p super-retina display
19. Built-in InfraRed sensor
20. Free MobileMe subscription
and many more.....
*The images shown in this post are all concepts and are in no way related to the final iPhone 5 hardware.

Friday, February 4, 2011


  1. DIG

                Dig is a command-line utility that performs DNS queries. That alone is helpful, but Dig can also tell you most everything about the queries and replies -- you'll sometimes need that extra information to determine why you're getting a strange reply from a DNS server.Dig can ask for a typical name query, replying with an IP address when you give it a domain name. You can also do a reverse lookup: By using the -x switch and giving it an IP address, Dig it will return the corresponding domain name for that IP address.
2. Nmap            

              Nmap is a lightweight security scanner that's heavy on utility. Nmap can perform tasks as simple as a ping sweep to see which IP addresses are active and responding, as well as carry off complex scripts to scan your systems for known vulnerabilities. Another fun feature of Nmap is the ability to analyze the reply packets it receives from a host to determine which OS the host is running.
Nmap is most commonly used to see which services or ports are open or available on a host. It supports both TCP and UDP scanning. You can give it a single host to scan or a CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) block or an entire list of hosts and networks from a file.         

Thursday, February 3, 2011




                                 To download DB2 trial visit here click here and select: IBM DB2 9.5 Data Server trial. Then you have to sign in (create an account if not already created) in order to download. Choose either of the following:
  • DB2 9.5 data server trial for Linux(R) on AMD64 and Intel(R) EM64T systems (x64)
  • DB2 9.5 data server trial for Linux(R) on System z
Then answer questions and click 'I confirm' at the bottom. Finally click 'I confirm' button to start downloading.
Alternately, visit hereand select: IBM DB2 9.5 Express-C. Then choose DB2 Express-C 9.5 for Linux and click continue. Then answer questions and click 'I confirm' at the bottom. Finally select either of the following:
  • DB2 Express-C for Linux operating system, 32-bit architecture
  • DB2 Express-C for Linux operating system, 64-bit architecture
click 'I confirm' button to start downloading.

Installing DB2

Option 1:
                Download and install in one step. DB2 Express-C data server This is available from the Ubuntu repositories and requires Ubuntu 7.10 or newer to run. Enable the Ubuntu Partner Repository and install the server with the following command:

sudo apt-get install db2exc
Option 2:
               I choose 'DB2 Express-C for Linux operating system, 32-bit architecture' to demonstrate how to install. If you have chosen a different version, make necessary changes accordingly. Let's assume the downloaded file is on your home directory. Then do the following:

tar -xf db2exc_950_LNX_x86.tar.gz
cd ~/exp
sudo apt-get install libaio1
sudo apt-get install libstdc++5
sudo ./db2setup
Select 'Install a Product' from the left side of the generated window  and click 'Install New'. Another window will be opened. Then following  the instructions to complete the installation. You are encouraged to  create new user and groups (dasusr1/dasadm1, db2inst1/db2iadm1,  db2fenc1/db2fadm1) during installation.

Uninstalling DB2

                                       If you have installed with all default settings (as mentioned above) then just running the following commands would remove the db2 completely. In case you have changed something during installation, then make appropriate changes accordingly.

cd /opt/ibm/db2/V9.5
sudo instance/db2idrop db2inst1
You may also have DAS (DB2 Administration Server) installed. If so  when you issue the db2_deinstall command you will see the following  error: "The DB2 installer detects that the DAS is using the current DB2 copy to  be uninstalled. The deinstallation process can not continue." To uninstall DAS issue the following:

sudo instance/dasdrop dasusr1
Continue with the deinstallation.

sudo install/db2_deinstall -a
cd && sudo rm -r /opt/ibm/db2
sudo userdel -r dasusr1
sudo userdel -r db2fenc1
sudo userdel -r db2inst1
sudo groupdel dasadm1
If you get this error: "groupdel: cannot remove user's primary  group." You will need to go to the /home directory and see what other  db2 users are created there. For example you could have dasusr2,  dasusr3, db2fenc2, db2fenc3, db2inst2, db2inst3, etc. Issue the "sudo  userdel -r username" command where username is the db2/das username in  your home directory until all the usernames have been deleted. Once this  is done you will now be able to successfully re-issue the groupdel  commands.

sudo groupdel db2fadm1
sudo groupdel db2iadm1
Before running those commands, please make sure: 
  • Make sure, db2 is not running.
  • Identify DB2 installation directory (E.g /opt/ibm/db2/V9.5)
  • Identify DB2 instances (using db2ilist command, see the second command)
  • Drop each and every instances (using db2idrop command, third command)
  • If you have other IBM softwares in /opt/ibm then remove only /opt/ibm/db2 directory.
  • Delete user and group accounts that you have created for db2.