Saturday, July 23, 2011

How to add facebook chat icon to pidgin

If you have a Debian-based distro, install using the .deb package or,
Copy one of the .so files to either /usr/lib/purple-2/ (for 32-bit Linux), /usr/lib64/purple-2/ (for 64-bit Linux), /usr/lib/pidgin/ (for Nokia/Maemo) or ~/.purple/plugins/ (if you dont have root access) and restart Pidgin.

you can download  .so file here click here.

after downloading that file you have to paste it in usr/lib/pidgin/perl/auto/pidgin.

After installing the plugin with pidgin, you are done. Now you can configur your facebook chat with pidgin by Account > Manage Accounts >Add > Facebook.

now use your facebook username/mail and password to configure your facebook. After that your pidgin will try to connect to facebook chat protocol. After connecting facebook you will able to use facebook chat.

How to Add Facebook Chat in Pidgin Instant Messaging Client using XMPP protocol

open Pidgin, and click Manage Accounts.

 click add,

Then select XMPP from the Protocol list.

Now, enter your Facebook username without the part (e.g your.facebook.username, not  Then, enter for the Domain, and enter your standard Facebook password.  You can check the “Remember password” box if you’d like Pidgin to automatically sign in to Facebook chat.

Now, click on the Advanced tab, and uncheck the “Require SSL/TLS” box.  Also, make sure the Connect port is 5222.  Click Add, and your Facebook account is added to Pidgin.

Now Facebook will show up in your list of accounts, with the username

Your Facebook friends will show up directly in your Buddy list, complete with their full name and Facebook profile picture.  Any users that are not in a group will show under your standard list, while ones in a Facebook group will be shown in a separate group.  You can move which groups your Facebook friends show up in, just like you can with other chat contacts.
 And no matter if your friend is logged in on the standard Facebook website or through another chat application, it will work the same as always.

This is a great way to keep in touch with your Facebook friends throughout the day.  If you like Facebook chat and already use Pidgin, now you can keep from switching between programs and just chat with all your friends from a central location.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Easy way of Mount/Unmount .iso images in ubuntu

Install gmountiso in Ubuntu

sudo aptitude install gmountiso

This will complete the installation.

Using gmountiso

If you want to open go to Applications--->System Tools--->Gmount-iso

Once it opens you should see the following screen here you can specify your .iso file and mount point where you want to mount.

Example for gmountiso

I am having dsl-4.0.iso image on my desktop and i want to mount this under dsl directory so i have menctioned all the details and click on mount

This will prompt for root password enter your root password and click on ok

Once it finished mounting you can see these details under mounted images

You can see the files and folders inside dsl directory

If you want to unmount just select the your mount point and click on Unmount
This is very simple and easy process.